Community Services


Use one of the library's two computers or bring your laptop/other device; no password needed to connect.  You can even connect in the comfort of your car, parked in our driveway when the library is open or closed.  (No password needed.)


If you need a page copied when the library is open, the first copy is free; subsequent copies are 20 cents each (50 cents for color).  With the addition our new (2023) wireless printer located near the patron computers, it is now possible for you to print from your own device or cell phone. 


Puzzle your way out of cabin fever this year! Borrow one of the many jigsaw puzzles that are now part of the Pembroke Library Puzzle Exchange. Patrons have donated puzzles on all kinds of topics to the Library, and we want to share them with you. The puzzles are currently housed on the 2-sided rolling cart by the two patron computers and are yours to enjoy; you don’t even have to formally check them out. Keep them as long as you need to and return them when you like.  We ask only that you try to avoid losing any pieces!     


The Pembroke Library volunteers are happy to announce that patrons now have free access to electronic books in both print and audio format from the state-supported online service Cloud Library:

Individuals may access the service on most devices through the free Cloud Library apps available for Apple iOS or for android or Fire. Cloud Library provides links to the various apps at the bottom of its home page ( Users may also go directly to the Apple Apps Store ( or to Google Play ( /apps) to download the apps from there, if they wish.

Once patrons have installed the appropriate app on their device, they use the drop-down menus to select the United States, Maine and the Pembroke library. Readers log-in using the number on the back of their Pembroke library cards--the WHOLE thing. Then checking out and downloading books requires only a few clicks.

The holdings at Cloud Library skew toward older volumes, especially for fiction; current best-sellers are often not yet available. But books in categories such as romance, fantasy, science fiction, literature children's literature, non-fiction, etc. are plentiful and easy to access. Audio books especially often have wait lists, so try to remember to reserve something ahead of time that you might wish to listen to. And remember to return your books when you have finished with them!

Readers may also use any browser to call up the Cloud Library Web site: and access books from there, but to download from the Web site, you must have Adobe Digital Editions installed on your computer. Please note that Cloud Library permits only one account per patron, even if you are a patron at several different libraries.

The Community Room


Need space to facilitate or participate in a ZOOM meeting or webinar?  The library's second floor Community Room is available at no charge to individuals and groups.  Knitters, quilters, as well as programs presented by the local historical society, musicians, and other groups use this space and you can, too.  Call for availability.

The tiny, but efficient, kitchen area


Please help yourself to any of the used books on the porch--there is no charge.


Looking for a specific book?  If we don't have it in our collection, we can access Maine State Library InterLibrary Loan Service to determine if that title is available at another Maine library.  If so, it will be shipped to our location for you to check out.  

The delivery day is Tuesdays.